Machinery pre starts


Machinery Pre Starts
Unlimited, ready-to-go digital pre starts
with our free pre start app
Risk management and corrective actions
Risk Management &
Corrective Actions

Know the hazards and how to control
them with our automated risk
management reports
Document management and audit trail
Document Management
& Audit Trail

Leave paper-based systems behind and
manage and store crucial compliance
information digitally
Dashboards and reporting
Dashboards & Reporting
Get information and insights on the
compliance status across your fleet
and sites



    Machinery Risk Assessments


    Machinery Risk Assessments
    Industry leading and specific to your
    machines. Powered by the Machinery Compliance Engine (MCE)
    Service and maintenance management
    Service & Maintenance

    Keep your machines in top condition
    with a preventative maintenance
    Safe Operating Procedures

    Access easy-to-read, comprehensive
    SOPs specific to your machines
    MySite subcontractor machinery management
    All the tools to manage machinery
    compliance obligations and uphold
    safety on-site
    View All Features
      See how we can help
      transform your business
      See Ideagen Plant Assessor in action


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              Safety Legislation
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              so you don't have to

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                Improve your machinery compliance gaps
                Complete our Machinery Safety System Health Check to receive a free personalised report on how to improve your compliance gaps.

                HEALTH CHECK


                  All of our frequently asked questions

                  Help Centre
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                  View a Demo
                  Let us walk you through Ideagen Plant Assessor features

                  Release Centre
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                      We are here to help
                      Have a question about the Ideagen Plant Assessor platform? Speak to our friendly support team.

                      CONTACT US


                        - Case Study -

                        Ideagen Plant Assessor and Suez

                        How we've helped Suez develop comprehensive risk assessments to manage machinery compliance.

                        Green Suez garbage truck driving on road


                        Since Plant Assessor became SUEZ’s plant safety tool of choice, the Plant Assessor Team has been continually impressed with SUEZ’s commitment to the safety of their employees, contractors, clients and members of the public.


                        This commitment has been illustrated in SUEZ’s organised and professional approach to the management of plant safety.

                        SUEZ has a broad range of waste, recycling and specialist value added business units, a significant geographic footprint, and a very significant, diverse and specialised fleet of plant & equipment. 

                        This complexity means that the management of plant safety is a substantial task.

                        Plant Assessor has worked closely with SUEZ in the pursuit of leading practice plant safety management. Some of the projects that have arisen during this process include:

                        • Development of comprehensive risk assessments for a broad range of highly specialised plant unique to a number of SUEZ’s business units

                        • Conducting extensive Plant Assessor user training sessions, combined with hands on training sessions in the field with members of Plant Assessor’s professional inspection team

                        • Plant Assessor inspectors being deployed across a number of sites and business units, to accelerate the inspection process and provide further hands on training for in house plant inspectors

                        These initiatives have been made possible as a result of strong leadership from SUEZ’s Safety Systems group, and a comprehensive and consultative rollout process throughout the business.

                        This program has seen Plant Assessor used extensively across SUEZ’s substantial Australia wide business to conduct plant risk assessments on a very significant number of plant items.

                        Plant Assessor continues to work closely with SUEZ as part of this process, and we are proud to be the plant safety management tool of choice for this proactive organisation.

