Dashboards & Reporting
Dashboards for better machine safety data
Data that works for you.
Information rich dashboards that turn machinery safety data into business intelligence. Use our dashboard reporting features to help make your risk management process easier and safer.
Keep machines moving and jobs on track
Having easy access to real-time machine status information and safety data with our dashboard reporting feature enables the ability to be proactive and address issues as they arise, meaning less down-time and better risk management.

Keep your finger on the pulse
With a consolidated view of data and insights on assessments, outstanding corrective actions and site status, get actionable insights for the right stakeholders to improve the risk management process, make machine monitoring easier and have safety data at your fingertips.
Plan ahead with assessment scheduling
Ideagen Plant Assessor includes pre-determined risk ratings (and re-inspection periods) for each make and model of equipment to help schedule both initial assessment dates, re-assessment periods and ongoing machine monitoring. Stay organised with scheduling dashboards for advance planning and push notifications to help ensure the plan stays on track.