Machinery pre starts


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Risk management and corrective actions
Risk Management &
Corrective Actions

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compliance status across your fleet
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    Machinery Risk Assessments


    Machinery Risk Assessments
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    machines. Powered by the Machinery Compliance Engine (MCE)
    Service and maintenance management
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    with a preventative maintenance
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                        3 min read

                        Nail machinery risk analysis and mitigation with automation

                        Nail machinery risk analysis and mitigation with automation

                        The world is becoming increasingly digital by the day; with new technologies simplifying complex aspects of our lives. Now, this technology is even making the complex area of machinery safety and compliance easier. Discover how Ideagen Plant Assessor’s machinery compliance engine (MCE) can help you with machinery risk analysis and mitigation, automating processes and streamlining your machinery risk management. 


                        How do I analyse machinery risks? 

                        The best way to analyse the risk posed by machinery hazards is to use a risk matrix. A risk matrix helps you understand the level of risk posed by a hazard. Risks are rated based on the likelihood of an incident occurring, represented by the x-axis and the potential consequences of the incident represented on the y-axis. Each risk is allocated a number, with larger numbers signifying greater risks. Risks can be deemed low, medium, high or critical and are usually colour coded to visually represent the level of risk a person may be exposed to. 

                        To learn more about using a risk matrix to analyse machinery risks, visit our article, How to read a risk matrix used in a risk analysis. 



                        How do I mitigate machinery risks? 

                        Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, it is the duty of a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to eliminate or minimise machinery risks as much as reasonably practicable. One way to do this is to use the hierarchy of control to determine the best possible control measure to reduce the risk. The hierarchy of control is a framework with five components; elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment. These controls are ranked from most effective to least effective, ensuring the most effective controls are prioritised for implementation. 

                        To find out more about the hierarchy of control, head to our article, Hierarchy of control explained. 




                        What are the challenges of applying the risk matrix and hierarchy of control to machinery risk management? 

                        Like many tools that require manual processes and human intervention, issues may arise with their use and implementation. The applications of both the risk matrix and the hierarchy of control can be inconsistent depending on who is assessing the machine, as each assessor may make subjective decisions based on the level of risk presented and which control will be most effective. There is also a risk of human error being made in their application, meaning the level of risk may not be adequately communicated or controlled. Automating the risk analysis and mitigation processes can help to eliminate these issues. 


                        How can I automate these processes? 

                        Thankfully, there is a technological solution that can automate the risk analysis and risk mitigation processes. Ideagen Plant Assessor’s machinery compliance engine (MCE) automates the identification of machinery hazards, as well as the risk analysis and mitigation processes, doing all the hard work and guesswork for you. All you need to do is select your machine from a database of 120,000 machines and complete the yes or no questions. Once complete, your instant risk management report will contain preliminary and residual risk ratings as well as recommendations for the most effective control measures to implement to improve safety and help ensure compliance with legal obligations. 



                        What are some of the other benefits of automating these processes? 

                        There are many benefits to automating the risk analysis and risk mitigation processes. Some of these include: 

                        • More accurate hazard identification 
                        • Greater consistency of analysis and control selection by assessors 
                        • Reduced administrative burden 
                        • Safer machines and safer people 
                        • Greater compliance with legal obligations once recommended controls are implemented 


                        Want to learn more about automating the machinery risk analysis and mitigation processes? 

                        Check out our webinar, Nail machinery risk analysis and mitigation with automation to hear a machinery safety expert discuss Ideagen Plant Assessor’s tech. 


                        The Ideagen Plant Assessor team is also on standby to help you simplify your machinery risk management with automation. Contact us on 1300 728 852 or at today. 


                        Disclaimer: This information is intended to provide general information on the subject matter. This is not intended as legal or expert advice for your specific situation. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on the content of this information. 

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