Machinery pre starts


Machinery Pre Starts
Unlimited, ready-to-go digital pre starts
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Risk management and corrective actions
Risk Management &
Corrective Actions

Know the hazards and how to control
them with our automated risk
management reports
Document management and audit trail
Document Management
& Audit Trail

Leave paper-based systems behind and
manage and store crucial compliance
information digitally
Dashboards and reporting
Dashboards & Reporting
Get information and insights on the
compliance status across your fleet
and sites



    Machinery Risk Assessments


    Machinery Risk Assessments
    Industry leading and specific to your
    machines. Powered by the Machinery Compliance Engine (MCE)
    Service and maintenance management
    Service & Maintenance

    Keep your machines in top condition
    with a preventative maintenance
    Safe Operating Procedures

    Access easy-to-read, comprehensive
    SOPs specific to your machines
    MySite subcontractor machinery management
    All the tools to manage machinery
    compliance obligations and uphold
    safety on-site
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                Improve your machinery compliance gaps
                Complete our Machinery Safety System Health Check to receive a free personalised report on how to improve your compliance gaps.

                HEALTH CHECK


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                        1 min read

                        WorkSafe Victoria aiming to create safer workplaces

                        WorkSafe Victoria aiming to create safer workplaces

                        Plant Assessor is welcoming a decision by WorkSafe Victoria to employ more safety inspectors and tighten up OHS legislation, to come down harder on employers that breach their legal obligations.

                        We believe every worker has the right to go to work knowing that their employer is doing everything in their power to keep them safe – and can return home at the end of the day.

                        With more inspectors, and tighter regulations, this statement from WorkSafe VIC is a declaration that putting people’s lives at risk will not be tolerated.

                        According to them, “with more inspectors out there, if you’re running an unsafe workplace you will be caught and held to account.”

                        This is coupled with tighter legislation that aims to ensure employers are not breaching their legislative obligations to comply with OHS laws. It sees tougher penalties where a workplace death is caused by criminal negligence.

                        Now is the time to ensure your safety practices and systems are up to scratch. Plant Assessor is here to help. We’ve put together a free tool to help you review your machinery safety processes and systems. 

                        We’ve helped thousands of companies assess and improve their systems for machinery and equipment. Our self-assessment provides a clear picture of your systems, any gaps, and priority areas to improve.

                        Don’t risk penalties and prosecution when the inspectors come knocking. Use our Machinery Safety System Health Check today.


                        What do WorkSafe Inspectors do?

                        The main job of a WorkSafe inspector is to make sure employers, managers and other duty holders are complying with OHS laws. Inspectors:

                        • Conduct targeted inspections in response to health and safety reports

                        • Provide practical information and guidance to duty holders around fulfiling their duties and obligations

                        • Enforce health and safety laws by making duty holders fix breaches, recommend investigations and gathering information to prevent future breaches.


                        Disclaimer: This information is intended to provide general information on the subject matter. This is not intended as legal or expert advice for your specific situation. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on the content of this information. Please contact us for further assistance.

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