Machinery pre starts


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    Machinery Risk Assessments


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                        1 min read

                        Employers urged to prioritise safety after workers struck by vehicles

                        Employers urged to prioritise safety after workers struck by vehicles

                        In three separate incidents in Queensland, workers were struck by vehicles. WorkSafe QLD are investigating the incidents, and urging that safety is prioritised.

                        In the first incident, which happened in November 2021, a worker was fatally injured after being struck by an unmanned truck that he may have been warming up.

                        The second incident, which happened in December 2021, involved a worker being struck by a reversing road roller that was compacting the road surface during asphalt laying operations. 

                        A third incident in January 2022, involved a man who died after being struck by a reversing truck at a worksite while he was laying out power lines on the roadside. Investigations revealed he may have been speaking on a mobile phone at the time.


                        A tragic reminder

                        WorkSafe QLD is urging companies to thoroughly consider and manage the risk of operating powered mobile plant. While these three tragic incidents are most recent, there have been numerous incidents in which workers have been seriously injured by powered mobile plant.

                        Powered mobile plant is dangerous, and as these three incidents show, it can pose potential risks not just to those operating them, but to other people and objects nearby. Other risks can include plant moving unexpectedly, overturning or moving in an uncontrolled manner – especially considering that operators may have limited view of other people close to the vehicle.

                        But while dangerous, taking steps to thoroughly assess risks and implement controls can significantly reduce risk. Taking such steps is mandated by law – and if an incident occurs, persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) must demonstrate to the regulator that they have implemented an effective risk management process, as outlined in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.


                        How can we help?

                        Using Plant Assessor’s machinery compliance engine, PCBUs are guided through the process of assessing and controlling risks on their machinery. With machinery-specific risk assessments, there’s no guesswork involved in assessing what may or may not be a hazard. 

                        With a growing database of over 110,000 items of equipment, all assessment surveys are specific, and PCBUs are guided through necessary steps required to ensure necessary controls are in place.

                        Thousands of companies trust Plant Assessor to ensure their fleet is compliant to the latest Australian legislation. And with Plant Assessor’s current Onboarding Package promotion, there’s never been a better time to join them.


                        FIND OUT MORE


                        Disclaimer: This information is intended to provide general information on the subject matter. This is not intended as legal or expert advice for your specific situation. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on the content of this information.

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