Machinery pre starts


Machinery Pre Starts
Unlimited, ready-to-go digital pre starts
with our free pre start app
Risk management and corrective actions
Risk Management &
Corrective Actions

Know the hazards and how to control
them with our automated risk
management reports
Document management and audit trail
Document Management
& Audit Trail

Leave paper-based systems behind and
manage and store crucial compliance
information digitally
Dashboards and reporting
Dashboards & Reporting
Get information and insights on the
compliance status across your fleet
and sites



    Machinery Risk Assessments


    Machinery Risk Assessments
    Industry leading and specific to your
    machines. Powered by the Machinery Compliance Engine (MCE)
    Service and maintenance management
    Service & Maintenance

    Keep your machines in top condition
    with a preventative maintenance
    Safe Operating Procedures

    Access easy-to-read, comprehensive
    SOPs specific to your machines
    MySite subcontractor machinery management
    All the tools to manage machinery
    compliance obligations and uphold
    safety on-site
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                Complete our Machinery Safety System Health Check to receive a free personalised report on how to improve your compliance gaps.

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                        2 min read

                        BMD is leading the way in machinery safety

                        BMD is leading the way in machinery safety

                        One of the nation’s leading civil construction companies, BMD Group has joined forces with Plant Assessor to revolutionise the way plant and equipment is assessed and monitored on large scale construction projects throughout Australia.

                        BMD has been using Plant Assessor’s risk assessment platform to undertake plant risk assessments and for the collection of requisite safety information for heavy plant operating on its work sites since 2011.

                        During this time, BMD has provided extensive feedback about the platform and has also served as a sounding board for Plant Assessor regarding new system developments.

                        In late 2015 BMD’s leadership team agreed to partner with Plant Assessor on the launch of a new style of Plant Assessor access designed to enhance site and contractor machinery safety management.

                        BMD consulted with their preferred sub-contractors and commenced a trial on the Schofields Road Project in Western Sydney.


                        BMD’s sub-contractors were encouraged to register online with Plant Assessor and set up records for relevant ‑fleet items. Plant Assessor prompts upload of relevant company, operator and machine related information.

                        This gives each sub-contractor their own Plant Assessor membership that includes a wide range of safety and asset management features, with no minimum spend required. This “pay as you go” process which is a major change to the current Plant Assessor access model.

                        Plant Assessor gives access to digital pre-start checks, and the ability to conduct plant risk assessments and manage assessment related corrective actions.

                        Recent enhancements in Plant Assessor allow contractors to “share” machines with the relevant BMD project, meaning BMD has access to relevant safety and compliance documentation without the usual tedious paper chase. It is faster and simpler for both contractor and client.

                        BMD utilises the Plant Assessor platform to pre-qualify their sub-contractors prior to arrival on site, review appropriate site specific documentation requirements and can review the sub-contractors daily pre start inspections on machines used on site.

                        BMD manage their owned assets in line with that of their sub-contractors on the same platform side by side ensuring consistent of standardisation of plant and process across the site.

                        The Schofields Road project is essentially a live road test of this new style of Plant Assessor access, and all of us at Plant Assessor are very grateful for the willingness exhibited by BMD representatives and the contractors involved. The project continues to identify opportunities to simplify and streamline the process so that it is seamless and adds great value for all involved.

                        Patrick Pearl, Group Business Systems Manager for BMD is very impressed with the new streamlined approach to sharing data between all businesses working on the site.

                        “This site-wide adoption of the Plant Assessor platform allows BMD to achieve a greater level of accuracy and consistency around the gathering of necessary safety information and ensures BMD continue to strive towards the goal of ‘zero harm’ across our business,” he said.

                        “It ensures that all plant operating on the Schofields Road project is maintained and operated to a standard that allows all parties to meet their safety commitments.

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                        Seven critical errors to avoid in contractor and machinery mobilisation

                        Mobilising contractors and machinery effectively playsa great role in determining the success of projects, with mistakes resulting in serious...

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                        How much are paper pre starts really costing you?

                        How much are paper pre starts really costing you?

                        Many businesses operating machinery still rely on traditional paper pre start books for daily machinery checks. While these booklets serve their...

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                        The beginners guide to Australian standards on machinery

                        The beginners guide to Australian standards on machinery

                        Machinery safety is a critical aspect of workplace safety. One of the most important tools in ensuring machinery is safe to use is compliance with ...

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