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                        Slewing telehandlers explained



                        In this article

                        Confusion with crane, hoist and winch machinery

                        How Ideagen Plant Assessor assess the differences


                        Confusion with crane, hoist and winch machinery

                        At Ideagen Plant Assessor, we have previously been asked about the requirements for FOPS on a mobile crane. We started to explain the finer details of AS 1418.5-2013 Cranes, hoists and winches – Mobile cranes (EN 13000:2010, MOD) namely:

                        “as a minimum, the roof of the crane operating cabin including windows in the roof shall be able to withstand the impact of a steel ball weighing 7kg, falling from a height of 2m, without plastic deformations exceeding 50mm”. 

                        The user was then confused as to why we quoted AS 1418.5 when his survey asked about ISO 3471 and ISO 3449.

                        It then occurred to us that the machine in question might not be a mobile crane. We asked for further description of the machine; it had a telescopic boom and a hoisting mechanism, was self-propelled and capable of 360-degree slewing. It sounded like a mobile crane, however, it also had a fork and bucket attachment.

                        In this instance it is understandable that the user thought it was a mobile crane. With the hoisting mechanism fitted it looks just like a mobile crane, even the manufacturer describes the machine as a telescopic crane. This just proves how confusing machinery can get.


                        How Ideagen Plant Assessor assess the differences

                        As you may or may not know, Ideagen Plant Assessor creates specific assessments for machine types and models. In our database the machine in question above is assigned to the type 'Telescopic Handler – Slewing'

                        To explain why it is assigned this, we must provide a detailed explanation of the thorough process followed when assigning a model to a machine type in Ideagen Plant Assessor. When deciding what machine type to add a model to, as a minimum we must consider the machines intended use, its design features and attachments. This often leads to numerous other questions surrounding Australian and international standards. In this case, the design features and attachments suggest the following:

                        • The telescopic boom suggests crane or tele handler
                        • The bucket suggests earthmoving or material handling
                        • The 360 degree slewing suggests mobile crane or slewing tele handler
                        • The fork attachment suggests lift truck or material handling

                        Based on the key design features, the machine appears to be either a mobile crane or a slewing tele handler. Both machine types have a dedicated Australian Standard. These standards contain a scope which defines the machines that the standard applies to.

                        Firstly we look at AS 1418.5-2013 Cranes, hoists and winches Mobile cranes (EN 13000:2010, MOD). The scope contains the following:

                        “This European Standard is applicable to the design, construction, installation of safety devices, information for use, maintenance and testing of mobile cranes as defined in ISO 4306-2 with the exception of loader cranes (see 3.1.1 of EN 12999:2002). Examples of mobile crane types and of their major parts are given in Annexes A and B.”

                        The pictures in Annex A shows one machine that looks similar to the machine in question.

                        For AS 1418.19-2007 Cranes, hoists and winches – Telescopic handlers, the scope contains the following:

                        “This Standard applies to self-propelled non-slewing and slewing, not greater than 5° either side of the longitudinal axis, of seated rider-operated telescopic handlers (hereinafter referred to as ‘telehandlers’), as de ned in Clause 1.3.31, intended to handle loads, including freely suspended loads, using one of the attachments de ned in Clause 1.3.

                        NOTE: Attachments may be mounted directly on the lifting means or on an auxiliary mast fixed at the end of the lifting means.

                        Telescopic handlers with the ability to slew greater than 5° will have to comply with AS 1418.5 in addition to the requirements of this Standard.”

                        After referring to the clauses it becomes clear that this machine is a slewing tele handler. The Ideagen Plant Assessor assessment for a slewing tele handler covers both the requirements of AS 1418.19-2007 Cranes, hoists and winches – Telescopic handlers as well as the necessary requirements of AS 1418.5-2013 Cranes, hoists and winches – Mobile cranes (EN 13000:2010, MOD).

                        If you ever have any questions regarding the Ideagen Plant Assessor machine type your machine is assigned or any other technical type enquiry please call 1300 728 852 or send your question to


                        Disclaimer: This information is intended to provide general information on the subject matter. This is not intended as legal or expert advice for your specific situation. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on the content of this information. 


                        By Founder, Paul Dean

                        Originally published September 2022
                        Updated July 2024


                        About the Author

                        Paul Dean is the Founder of Ideagen Plant Assessor. Paul spent 10 years working in the construction industry, and 5 years in the machinery supply industry where he developed a deep knowledge about mobile plant and machinery compliance. Paul's idea for Plant Assessor was created in 2004 after working in the motor vehicle and machinery auction industry and realising the complexity and lack of standardisation when managing machinery and equipment compliance. Read More.