Clearing Sale Safety
By definition, a farm is a workplace under safety legislation. As the controller of the workplace the clearing sale vendor has a legal obligation to make it safe for employees, agents & clearing sale attendees.
Safety legislation in Australia is essentially a state responsibility. This means that requirements vary across Australia, however in relation to sale of second hand plant, the vendor’s legal requirements are similar.
In essence, as a vendor selling new or second hand plant at a clearing sale you are required to inspect equipment, identify faults, and provide purchasers with advice on faults and information in relation to the safe use of the item for sale. This is a Plant Safety Advice for clearing sale safety.
How do I comply?
The steps below outline the recommended process for dealing with clearing sale safety obligations, especially when selling second hand plant.
Create a detailed list of all second hand plant items to be sold at clearing sale
Review the list and identify items fitting the legislative definition of “plant”
Conduct detailed inspections of all plant items
Prepare Plant Safety Advices
Label all plant deemed scrap/parts
Provide Plant Safety Advices to agent for provision to purchasers
Plant Assessor recommends that vendors seek external assistance in complying with these legislative requirements. We can arrange for an expert to assist you to meet these legislative requirements. Contact us for more information.
Disclaimer: This information is intended to provide general information on the subject matter. This is not intended as legal or expert advice for your specific situation. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on the content of this information.
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