Ideagen Plant Assessor Release Centre

New Feature: Add Service Records to Machine Profile

Written by Plant Assessor | February 2021

With this update, along with being able to add service and maintenance records to individual machines as before, users will now have the option to include them when sharing machine profiles.

Why it matters

Plant Assessor users have always been able to keep a record of machine service and maintenance history – this update makes it possible to share that information with others. For example, a machine dealer might want to show a machine’s service history, or a principal contractor might need to see service records for their subcontractors’ machines.

How does it work?

This update adds a new option when sharing a machine profile, to optionally include ‘Service and Maintenance History’.


Do I have to share service records when sharing a machine profile?
No. If you don’t opt to share the service records, the ‘Service and Maintenance History’ section will be hidden on the machine profile.

Which service records are shown?
Only logged services and maintenance records. It will not display ‘Upcoming’ and ‘Overdue’ records that have been generated by Plant Assessor.

For more information on this feature, visit the Help Centre.