Ideagen Plant Assessor Release Centre

New Feature: Assign Favourites

Written by Plant Assessor | December 2021

This update that allows Plant Assessor admins to assign favourite machines to other users. These machines will display in the user’s Plant Assessor Account, and Pre Start Plus app.

Why it matters

Operators using Pre Start Plus can see all of the machines they’re assigned to straight away, without having to go through the hassle of adding them manually. That means no mistakes, no confusion, and operators can get to work sooner.

We created this update to help admins set up users with Plant Assessor and Pre Start Plus quickly and easily. Users simply download the app, login with their Plant Assessor account, and a list of their assigned machines is there, ready to go.

Who gets it?

Anyone with admin permission in Plant Assessor version 2.0 and 3.0.


Who can assign favourites?
Admin users can assign favourites to Pre Start Plus and Plant Assessor users.

What happens if I remove someone from an assigned favourite?
They will no longer have the machine appear as a favourite in Plant Assessor and will not be able to see the machine in Pre Start Plus.

What does the operator see in Pre Start Plus & Plant Assessor?
If a machine has been assigned as a favorite to a user (operator) in Plant Assessor the machine will appear in the users Favorite list. In Pre Start Plus the operator will see the machine in their machines list.

For more information on this feature, visit the Help Centre.