Ideagen Plant Assessor News & Articles

WorkSafe charges transport company after two truck crashes

Written by Matt Turner | March 2022

A transport company has been charged after an investigation revealed that unsafe work practices led to two serious truck crashes in South Gippsland.

The accused company has been charged by WorkSafe Victoria with allowing the two trucks – both milk tankers – to be driven, despite being aware they were unsafe.

They were charged under section 32 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, for recklessly engaging in conduct that placed others in danger of serious injury.

WorkSafe has also charged the company for breaching section 23 of the OHS Act by exposing people other than employees, which in this instance was other road users, to health and safety risks when it failed to ensure unsafe milk tankers were not driven on public roads.

In three further charges under section 21(2)(a) of the OHS Act for failing to provide or maintain safe plant; and failing to provide or maintain safe systems of work to ensure vehicles were free of mechanical defects and driver fatigue was managed.

The matter was addressed at a filing hearing at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court in February 2022.


Better safe than sorry

This incident highlights the need to ensure you have robust and well documented machinery compliance processes in place.

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